We first met Susan in Drive Thru Food Bank this fall at POM. After battling some health issues, she was in a tough spot, and knew she would be unable to work for awhile. She made an appointment to come in and meet with a case manager through our Samaritan Services.

Susan came in and met with a case manager who helped her get her paperwork started for medical insurance so she could get her health back on track, and together they made a plan so her bills wouldn't fall behind. She came consistently to food bank and we got to see her health improve slowly as the months passed. One week, we noticed she wasn't at Food Bank. Of course people have things that come up, but Susan had been so consistent we knew it would take something big to keep her away.

Susan came in the next week and told us she had an interview the week before and was starting a new job that weekend and would not be needing assistance for now.

It's bittersweet when a client stops coming in, after we get to know one another we are somewhat attached! But, we are so grateful to have had the opportunity to hold a figurative "umbrella" while you wait for your storm to pass.