Cultivating Hope: How a potato brought a lesson of love and community

Cultivating Hope: Grow an Extra Row

“Where hope grows, miracles blossom” was the quote I came across this past week looking over clearance garden tools and seeds. It got me thinking of just how well our community has “grown hope” over the past several months of garden abundance. In the spring, as everyone planned and prepped their gardens, we encouraged our neighbors to “Grow An Extra Row” for the foodbanks. Through the selflessness and hard work of so many gardeners and farmers in our community they have nourished bodies and really cultivated a sense of hope for their neighbors each week.

Hope Lutheran Garden and their generous volunteers have provided thousands of pounds of food over the past several years. So when they pulled a heart shaped potato out of the ground we had to give it a permanent spot in our stories here. A heart shaped potato - a symbol of love and hope. It reminded us that when we come together with open hearts and a shared purpose, we can create a more compassionate and caring community.

To Hope Lutheran and all the individual Gardeners and Farmers who have donated generously to our foodbanks, thank you. You have provided…

  1. Increased Fresh Produce Supply: The additional row planted by these generous individuals significantly increased the supply of fresh vegetables available to our food bank. This abundance of nutritious food has allowed us to better meet the needs of our clients and provide them with a wider variety of healthy options.

  2. Sense of Community and Solidarity: So many people came together to support a common cause, demonstrating that even in challenging times, our community can unite to make a positive difference.

We continue to be inspired by the kindness and dedication of our local growers. Together, we can cultivate hope and create a fuller, more compassionate future for all members of our community.