Neighbors In Need - "Food bank is creating community. "

You know that feeling with you get into a routine and you just do things without even thinking about them? Maybe it’s the drive into work each morning. You get to the office and you don’t even remember how you got there. You think to yourself, “did I leave the coffee machine on?” Routines are good, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes, we focus so much on the routine, that we miss little surprises along the way.

November 17th was an overcast, cold day in Enumclaw. One could say, it may have looked like a normal Wednesday morning at POM. But this specific Wednesday morning was our Thanksgiving Food Bank. Still, cars lined up around the building – nothing new there. We smiled and said “Happy Thanksgiving” as we passed out bags full of goodies. And for a minute, we almost got lost in the routine of it all.

And then, Jean arrived. We’ve seen her at food bank in the past, so it was no surprise she was there. But, it was her entrance that changed us all. As she approached us, she got out of her car and showed off her fancy outfit, which was not her typical attire. And then, she gave us a little twirl. “Even though its just another food bank to us, these events are a big deal to our clients,” Executive Director Elisha Smith-Marshall said. There was an overwhelming sense of gratefulness about her, Smith-Marshall said.

The last 18 months plus have been hard. Social distancing, not very many in-person events. And drive-thru food bank has taken changed the way we are able to connect with our clients. But that Wednesday morning, we were reminded that even though food bank is still drive thru, it’s creating community. A community that is so deeply important to us and our neighbors.